
Girl eating Apple

Tastes of Brooklyn was founded in 2011 to celebrate the culinary talent of this historic, diverse borough, which abounds in creative, out-of-the-box entrepreneurs, while supporting worthy causes. Food establishments offer menu items they are proud of. Delighted ticket-buyers receive a printed menu and map and craft their own sumptuous food and drink tour based on whatever culinary delight they want to imbibe. We started in Carroll Gardens and Cobble Hill and have now expanded to Boerum Hill, Crown Heights, Columbia Waterfront, Flatbush, Gowanus, Prospect Heights and Red Hook.

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, we canceled all spring events and instead created interactive online maps to support the wonderful, generous establishments who have so helped us at our charity, Seeds in the Middle. Our hope is to offer these delightful crawls in every neighborhood in Brooklyn and beyond. We are grateful to all the volunteers who gathered information for the maps, and who tirelessly donate their time and talent to make Tastes of Brooklyn events rock.

We encourage everyone to come and savor new neighborhood fare from chefs from around the world or if you live among our featured blocks, take a chance and try a place you passed by in the past. You, too, may discover a culinary gem.

NOTE: We are super-aware of the dangers of the virus. We want everyone safe! An army of volunteers will be walking around to ensure everyone is wearing masks, keeping safe distances and have easy access to hand sanitizers.

Looking for unique gifts? Stop in the shops along your custom-made culinary tour.

Fun for all ages. Dogs welcome, too!

Many thanks to all the talented, generous Brooklyn restaurants, bars, bakeries, distillers and foodies who make our Tastes of Brooklyn crawls rock! Follow us on social media @tastesofbrooklyn or get on our email list at tastesofbk@seedsinthemiddle.org.

Coming up 2022! Get ready to eat and drink for good all day!
Buy tickets here - More establishments coming in every day!
Tastes of Flatbush: May 14
Tastes of Gowanus: May 21
Tastes of Park Slope: June 4
Tastes of Crown Heights: June 11

Want to volunteer? Sign up here

Event: Tastes of Flatbush and Tastes of Gowanus

Locations: Tastes of Flatbush: Flatbush, Nostrand, Rogers Aves from Empire Boulevard and south; Tastes of Gowanus: 3rd and 4th Avenues at 12th Street to Smith Street, north to Boerum Hill

When: Flatbush is Saturday, May 14, 1-7p, Gowanus is May 21, 1-7p

Flatbush: How to get there? Take Q to Prospect Park and walk to the corner of Flatbush and Lincoln Road. See our map for Tastes of Flatbush here.

Gowanus: How to get there? Take 2/3/4/5 or A/C trains to Borough Hall and walk down Court Street to Smith Street, or the F/G trains to Bergen or Carroll Streets or 4th Ave.- 9th Street. You can also take the N train to Union Street/4th Avenue near Dinosaur BBQ. See our map for Tastes of Gowanus here.

Cost: 4 tastes for $35, 12 tastes for $100

Tickets: Buy online here & pick up your ticket at our pick-up booth. You will receive an email the week of the event, notifying you where our pick-up table will be.

All proceeds benefit Seeds in the Middle, a 501c charity named by fourth graders, empowering students and schools no matter where they are to access all they need to get healthy. Seeds in the Middle inspires social change through sustainable health with a multi-faceted, holistic strategy to fight obesity and scale disparities. We enable parents, educators, students, and their community to reach for all the opportunities and beauty New York City has to offer, beginning with taking control of their health, enhancing arts education, and greening their environment.

Seeds in the Middle pilots Hip2B Healthy school projects, starting in central Brooklyn. We have farm stands across central Brooklyn in Brownsville, Flatbush and Ocean Hill at local schools, and opened farmers markets like the Crown Heights Farmers Market from 2011-2014. We run the Crown Heights youth soccer programs and Soccer for Harmony tournaments - engaging players, young and old, from all backgrounds to build community through sports! For more information on soccer, just click here. See us at seedsinthemiddle.org.

Proceeds will also benefit "Save the Village, Save the Elephants" - an educational, ecotourism media project. We're highlighting places tourists can go where their money enables local people to earn a living by saving and caring for elephants and their fragile forests and habitats. See some of our work on Facebook at Good Green Travel.

Seeds in the Middle has many facets and programs including:

  • Growing edible gardens so children learn about nutrition and farming
  • Student-run Hip2B Healthy Markets and farm stands, selling healthy snacks as cheap alternatives to snack machines and convenience-store junk food
  • Integrated curriculum so healthy choices and environmental stewardship are woven into the school day
  • Physical fitness - soccer, track, zumba and more during the school day and after-school
  • Hands-on cooking classes during the school day, Chef Nights in the evenings and field trips to fine restaurants and culinary institutes
  • Improving School Food
  • Field trips to outside farms, community gardens, schools, farmers markets, arts centers
  • Arts
  • Parent and Community Empowerment
  • Greening - recycling, composting, environmental beautification
  • Professional Development for Educators

Tastes of Park Slope

Saturday, June 1

Buy Tickets here

Online Map/Menu Here

Who's In?

Check out our past events!

Contact Us

All Tastes of Brooklyn events support Seeds in the Middle, a charity empowering students, schools and their communities in food deserts to create affordable, nearby access to fresh fruits and vegetables and healthy choices. Seeds in the Middle on Facebook here and Instagram. Can't come? You can still give.
